Unless Covid rears its ugly head again with a new deadly variation or we’re at war with Trumpinistas or Russia or anti-vaxxers, Seattle WILL have in-person LGBTQ Pride events this June so that means it’s time to vote for the theme for this year’s Seattle Pride Parade produced by Seattle Out & Proud. Go here to vote but we’re making it easy and giving you the info BEFOREHAND so you can think about the options (you can also add your own choice).
In other cities, this process is frequently more community oriented with public meetings and voting but…kooky ole Seattle likes to do things the bassackwards way! (Also: on the rare occassions they do have a public meeting, hardly anyone shows up!!) Like having TWO separate groups for official Pride events…the Out & Proud group who do the parade and picnic thing at Volunteer Park and PrideFest who produce the festivals on Pride Saturday and Sunday.
Maybe the theme should be UNITY and the two groups unite so they stop competing for the same funding/sponsors?
The same one I have every year…
ADDED: AND, registration to be IN the Pride Parade opens on Wednesday, February 2nd. Go to https://www.seattlepride.org/seattle-pride-month for the skinny.
The Theme options for 2022 are:

And, here’s the list for Grand Marshal options..it behooves me to note that some of these people have ALREADY been grand marshals. But, again, you can add more choices on this survey. Personally, I’m all for the astronaut!