Mr. Tim Harmon, Photographer/Artiste and proprietor of his own lovely web site, “The Hill Has Eyes” just posted these GORGEOUS photos he took last night at Q’s Sunday Tea Dance. He was largely documenting the birthday shenanigans of Mr. Matthew Walsh of The Grill on Broadway but got many Lovely Photos of T-dance revelers including a ridiculous amount of shots of Miss Robbie Turner, who was camping it up out of lady face for once, but with the addition of some hair furniture on the upper lip.
Check out all the photos on and on Tim’s Facebook page for the site as well. AND, Mr. Harmon is available, at reasonable rates, to take Some Lovely Photos for YOUR events as well…there are many mediocre photographers in town; hire the BEST!!!
If he can make Tranma Strangeways look less hideous than normal, then he can photograph ANYTHING and make it look great!