We’re so damned pleased for MANY reasons today.
Why? Well, for one, our friend MIKE CURATO is back in Seattle for a visit. Many of you know Mr. Curato as a ridiculously talented illustrator/artist. Or, as an all around lovely guy. (OR, for those of you “in the know” as his alter ego, performance artiste Ho Mo Arigato, the former star of Sylvia O’Stayformore’s “Bacon Strip”…)
The Lovely Mr. Curato moved to New York City last year to pursue career opportunities and that decision seemed to pay off because he landed a big fat 3 book contract with Macmillan to publish his first children’s book, LITTLE ELLIOT, BIG CITY, which follows the adventures of Mike’s adorable polka dotted elephant character, Little Elliot and his adventures in the “big city” with his mouse friend, Mouse and their quest for cupcakes.

Author/Illustrator/Former Seattlite Mike Curato signing copies of his first book, Little Elliot, Big City.
Little Elliot, Big City debuted earlier this week and now you can not only BUY the book at Elliot Bay Bookstore, 1521 Tenth Avenue on Capitol Hill BUT if you go tonight, Thursday, August 28th, Mr. Curato will be on hand to sign your book starting at 7pm!
We’re pleased to welcome graphic designer and children’s book author and illustrator Mike Curato back to Seattle for the release of his first children’s picture book, Little Elliot, Big City (Macmillan). “Amid the hustle and bustle of the big city, the big crowds and bigger buildings, Little Elliot leads a quiet life. In spite of the challenges he faces, Elliot finds many wonderful things to enjoy — like cupcakes! And when his problems seem insurmountable, Elliot discovers something even sweeter — a friend.” Adults and children will be charmed by this story of a polka dotted elephant (and his love for cupcakes, which look very much the ones you can find at Cupcake Royale!)
If you can’t make it to the event tonight, you can still obviously buy the book later….either online or at your friendly neighborhood book seller.
We’ve also heard that Elliot plush toys are coming soon, too….
So sweet…and, we’re so pleased for Mr. Curato’s well deserved success. Elliot is a delightful character and sure to become a beloved icon of children’s literature.
Here’s a trailer for the book…adorbs!