Seattle Out and Proud could still use a few more volunteers to help with Sunday’s big parade in downtown Seattle. If you really want to show your Pride, then contact them HERE and volunteer to help out with a thousand different jobs. Here’s some more skinny on the details:
Once you respond and/or sign up and are scheduled, we’ll send you instructions as far as checking in as a volunteer, and any other important information you many need to know. Thanks!
Your next steps:
–Email our awesome Volunteer Director Megan at
–Let her know how you want to help – which events, shifts, times
–Go to our volunteer registration online at
–Forward this invite to your friends, family, etc!!Keep in mind that the Parade starts at 11am (so volunteers can still participate in the parade if you are done volunteering by 11am)
For the rest of you, remember the Parade starts at 11am Sunday morning, lasts for roughly two hours, (rain or shine) and runs down 4th Avenue from Union to Denny Way with commentator booths at Westlake Park and Bell Street (where there’s also a Beer Garden…)And, obviously parking will be tough to come by, so Capitol Hill residents should walk/bus to downtown, and folks from farther afield should also consider public transportation and car pooling.
(Look for Mr. Strangeways and Mr. Sterling with the Three Dollar Bill contingent marching with Orbitz…)
AND, for the Early Birds who will be downtown to snag good viewing spots, or to indulge in a Pre-Pride Brunch, you can get the party started with the Pride Parade Pre-Show at Westlake Park:
Please join Sunday morning at this spectacular (tongue-twister alert) PRIDE PARADE PRE-SHOW as we get ready for the Parade! We promise a lot of fun, entertainment and energy to help you wake up and get in the Pride mood.
The SHOW will be hosted by Brian M. Westbrook, a TV and radio personality who covers technology for media outlets and can regularly been seen on KING-TV’s “New Day Northwest.”
Music will start at 9:30 am with DJ Kid Amiga, an exceptional DJ who has played in a number of LGBT functions in Seattle and Olympia.
The 10 am hour will feature performances by Queer Seattle Tango, a group that celebrates Argentine tango with same-sex couple dancing; and Miss Indigo Blue, the Reigning Queen of Burlesque, Miss Exotic World 2011.
Special appearances by her Most Imperial Sovereign Majesty
Olympia XL, Miss Precious Cargo, and Emperor Rainier XXXVII, Mark Surreal are also expected.Please join us starting at 9:30 am in the Westlake Park area!!!!!