Uh, it’s not really that far away, meaning the 2011 Seattle Pride Parade and Seattle PrideFest…less than a hundred days! Seattle Out and Proud, the producers of Seattle Pride Parade have their website up and running now with tons of information on their events, including “Seattle Pride Idol” (more on that in another post, up soon) and how you can be a part of the parade. This year’s theme is, “Be You. Be Proud. Express Yourself!” which is definitely a vague concept but does leave itself open to a very broad interpretation…it’s pretty much carte blanche to do whatever your little heart desires!
The registration website for the parade went live last week; go HERE for information/registration. The great news is, if you are an Early Bird registrant (by April 15) you get a nice discount on the registration fees…don’t dawdle!
It also takes HUNDREDS of volunteers to put on the Pride Parade every year. If you have what it takes to help out, (a strong desire to toil for many hours without pay for a very good cause) then head to the website for more info on how YOU can help. The sign up sheet is NOT available yet, but should be up soon.