A shot from Saturday, 10/15/11 at the SLGFF as Programmers Jason Plourde and Keith Bacon enjoy "SaturGay Morning Cartoons" at Northwest Film Forum.
Last night was the opening of the 16th Annual Seattle Gay and Lesbian Film Festivaland I was there with my first, very own, press pass and I’ve got the inside-behind the scenes “talk” or gossip – if you will – for your bedtime stories to your children. So pay attention! Loads of gay men and lesbians flocked to the Egyptian Theater on Capitol Hill for the opening night film, “Dirty Girl” by Abe Sylvia, with the after show opening night gala at Fred Wildlife Refugee – which has resemblance to a New York art gallery opening with large video installations on the walls, techno disc jockey spinning on a commercial built stage. It was a treat for your visual intake of the evening and if you weren’t in attendance, shame on you, you missed quite an elite evening! Shooting a video and doing marvelous interviews is our fabulous and talented (did you know he played a mighty fine piano?) Alex Berry. Schmoozing with the elite scattered around the scene was our editor Michael, while I stand back and observe the overall environment in both venues. Who knew that a post-part for an opening night of a film festival would strike up my creative spirits about a show I’m thinking of producing next June? Marvelous!
More after the jump!
Whilst the activities were smooth for the festival, I began to think about what I was observing: do “a-list” gays really exist in Seattle? I mean, what does a-list really mean and who defines it? I’m only thinking about this because I’ve been keeping up on the LOGO reality show “A-List: New York” and “A-List: Dallas” and those are some catty queens if you ask me, who do nothing but meddle and create drama for everyone in their circles. According to the Webster Dictionary, “a-list” means:
a group of desirable or admired people who are welcomed especially in social and professional situations
Now, in Seattle, I really can’t visibly see this group of desirable or admired people. So if there is an “a-list” here, where do they all hangout? In their houses like lesbians in Oregon do or is there a secret society or club that meets every Saturday night in West Seattle? Somebody please answer my impeding questions!
Today is also my birthday! Whoa! What is going to happen to me now? I’m turning 21 for the tenth time! Just kidding, though this does begins the countdown when my tombstone will be ready for my burial, that’s what happens now. Just kidding! In honor of my birthday, I’m producing a fantastical comedy and music show at Re-Bar on October 27th! You should come and mark it on your calendar and RSVP to our lovely Facebook event page: New Queer on the Block Comedy Show at Re-Bar, and I hope to see you later this month at Re-Bar, making magic and telling my own jokes on the mainstage! Also – if you haven’t bought your tickets yet – I’m stage managing the 2011 Gay City’s BUMP Halloween Party at the Showbox Market and we’re still looking for a couple of boylesque performers to improv dance on stage to our lovely disc jockeys spinning at the party. Let me know if you’re interested, especially if you want to be creative and get noticed by hundreds of fans while earning yourself two VIP comps to give to two of your lucky friends.
Whatever you’re doing in the next ten days, go out and see a SLGFF film and support this great film festival that has been going strong for sixteen years! Happy Sweet Sixteen Seattle Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. You deserve this!!!
House sl Beat…
[…]Special Edition of New Queer on the Block: Are there really ‘A-List’ gays in Seattle?[…]…