Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Erika Jayne Girardi is the Queen of The White Party Palm Springs for 2016.
The newest cast member of Bravo TV’s hit franchise looks like the perfect Barbie-Stepford Wife but this girl is anything but plastic! Affluent, multi-talented and unapologetically fabulous Erika Girardi aka Erika Jayne is a pop-star and pop-culture phenomenon who ascended to the throne as Reality TV’s newest Queen.
Teriyaki Temple caught up the new “it” girl as she took time out of her uber glamorous, lavish lifestyle to dish about her career in the spotlight and staying grounded despite standing tall on top of Beverly Hills!
TT: How does it feel to be crowned Queen of White Party 2016?
EJ: I am beyond honored and I’m so excited to be your Queen of White Party 2016.
TT: What will be your first royal decree as Queen?
EJ: Bow down and kiss my Cartier panther ring. All Hail the new queen in town!
Teriyaki’s Translation: Kiss her 7 carat diamond encrusted pussy (feline) ring that has emeralds for eyes and black onyx for its nose worth only $60K. Meeeeeooooooowwwwww!!!!
TT: Have you ever attended WPPS before?
EJ: (Yes) I have performed Friday night at the Boxers and Briefs Party a few years ago.
Teriyaki’s Translation: Yes I made all of the gay boys confused and questioning their sexuality again.
Not gonna lie Erika Jayne is a hottie! She would have messed up my tuck if I saw her at the Boxers and Briefs party. I wonder if her other panther is V-jazzled with diamonds as well. *wink wink*
TT: Any chance we will see you perform one of your many dance hits?
EJ: Yes, huge chance.
Teriyaki’s Translation: This just in, Erika will be performing at the T-Dance on Sunday.
TT: Will your husband Thomas be joining you? How do you think he would react to having thousands of hot, sweaty shirtless guys dancing with you and grinding on him?
EJ: Honestly, he has seen the show a million times and always has a good time.
Teriyaki’s Translation: Thomas and Erika Girardi are secure in their 16 year marriage. Despite the December – May relationship you can tell they are really into each other. That’s really sweet! Also, Thomas is kind of a big deal. His case against the California utility company PG&E inspired the film Erin Brockovich starring Julia Roberts in 2000.
TT: You have many credits to your name which include: singer/song-writer (recording artist/chart topper), actress, entrepreneur, dancer, model, television personality and humanitarian. Is there something else you’d like to add to your list of accomplishments in the coming year?
EJ: You forgot Sex Goddess and Rocket Scientist, currently working on both. 😉
Teriyaki’s Translation: I’d come and worship at this Sex Goddess’s TEMPLE!!! You can’t help but admire a woman who has two private jets and still has a lot of ambition. Most people would sit on their arse all day.
TT: If you weren’t in the entertainment industry what would you be doing?
EJ: Secretly, I want to be Cat Woman.
Teriyaki’s Translation: Puuuurrrrfeeectttt!!! I’m noticing a trend here. Move over Anne Hathaway, Michelle Pfeiffer, Halle Berry and Julie Newmar for some hot fresh pussy in the glitter box!
TT: You are often cited as an advocate and ally of the LGTBQ community. As a heterosexual female, what is it about the (LGTBQ) community that you identify with and/or appeals to you?
EJ: I grew up in the community and LGBT people have been my family, friends and mentors over the years.
Teriyaki’s Translation: I Heart Erika Girardi!!! Woman has a heart of gold but seriously…… I think it’s made of gold and I’d be willing to bet it’s encrusted with rubies or something shiny!
TT: Your tagline is “The Pretty Mess.” How did this tagline come to be?
EJ: It was a poem I wrote that turned into a song and then into a “tagline”.
TT: What makes a person pretty?
EJ: Confidence.
TT: What makes a person messy?
EJ: Insecurity
TT: Would you say you are the perfect balance of the two? Are there any things that tips the scale from one side to the other?
EJ: I think we as human beings are all complicated and therefore we are all a bit of a “Pretty Mess”.
Teriyaki’s Translation: Erika’s 2010 album and title track, “Pretty Mess” has an awesome music video. Check it out on YouTube. Furs, diamonds, tiaras, disco balls, black satin sheets, hair flipping and guys dancing around in corsets. FAAAABBBUUULLOOOUSSSSS!!!!! It’s what I imagine Richard Simmons fantasizes about when he masturbates.
TT: I noticed that from time to time you retweet some of Miss Piggy’s posts.
What draws you to her? Would you say you admire her?
EJ: I love Miss Piggy!! Attitude, fierceness and fashion.
TT: Speaking of pork, On The Real House Wives of Beverly Hills you are quoted as saying“you can’t do diets. . . You don’t have time for that vegan stuff BS.”
How do you keep such a gorgeous figure?
EJ: Exercise and lots of water.
TT: What did you eat for breakfast this morning?
EJ: Huevos Rancheros.
TT: What is your “go to” comfort food?
EJ: Mexican food.
Teriyaki’s Translation: If she weren’t so darn relatable and cute I’d be so jealous and hate her! Sigh. . .I’m Jayne Doe eyed for this Diva.
TT: What’s something you’d like to confess that not many people know about you?
EJ: I hate Curry and I sleep in socks.
Teriyaki’s Translation: Curry is gross anyway. Sleeping in socks? Not gonna lie, that’s kind of weird. I thought classy people went to bed in a onesie or a smoking jacket like Hugh Hefner. Maybe she sleeps in socks and wears one of those million dollar fantasy bras you see in the Victoria’s Secret fashion show made out of sapphires and yellow diamonds.
TT: My stylist and friend, Kermit Allen, owner of the Kermit Dane Salon in Seattle begged me to ask a question about your lovely locks. “Being in the spotlight and having your hair done on a daily basis must be really hard on your hair. What’s your secret to keeping your hair healthy between your pop life and everyday life?”
EJ: Lots of treatments and conditioners, but most importantly who takes care of your hair.
Teriyaki’s Translation: She’s like the Barbie my mom and dad never let me play with. Her hair is un-be-weaveable! If someone wanted to play with my hair, I’d just pull my weave off and tell them to go to town.
TT: Despite all of your success and good fortune you come off so approachable and relatable.
Why do you think your fans feel so connected to you?
EJ: I think they understand I am a regular person.
TT: How has your perception of the Housewives Franchise changed since you are a part of the organization?
EJ: I had no valid opinion before I joined because I never watched but I can say that I had come to really enjoy the people I work with, even with the bumps along the road.
TT: Would you consider taking one of your RHWOBH co-stars on your Pretty Mess tour with you or at least have them watch you performance? How do you think they would react?
EJ: Yes, the girls would be great on tour. Everyone would be wonderful.
Teriyaki’s Translation: Hahaha I couldn’t imagine Kim and Kyle Richards (Paris and Nikki Hilton’s Aunts) cutting loose and dancing with the MO’s. I could totally see Lisa Vanderpump, Camille and Erika cutting a rug though!
TT: You’ve mentioned Erika Jayne is the “fantasy charter/alter ego” you created to keep your stage persona separate from who you really are. What is something Erika Jayne would do that Erika Girardi wouldn’t?
EJ: Erika Jayne would go to the supermarket in a rhinestoned cat suit.
TT: Would be it correct to say Erika Jayne is almost like your drag name?
EJ: No, I am not a drag queen but thanks for the compliment.
Teriyaki’s Translation: She is all woman baby. We Drag Queens bow down to the Queen of White Party and the Queen of the Gays! Long Live Erika Jayne!
Stay Tuned, we talk more Pussy when we chat with Kaya Jones from the PussyCat Dolls (PCD)!!!!
For more information about Jeffrey Sanker’s White Party Palm Springs 2016, happening April 8-11, visit www.jeffreysanker.com. For more about Erika Jayne, visit: www.erikajayne.com and follow me @TeriyakiTemple on Twitter or add me at www.facebook.com/teriyakitemple.