People loves them some “Glee” and they loves them some Flash Mobs and the opportunity to flashdance with thousands of other like minded souls in a public place to Top 40 songs of yesteryear for the amusement of others who would never do such a thing but secretly would like to. To satisfy those needs, Egan Orion heads One Degree Events and The Agency and when they’re not putting on events like PrideFest, they stage Flash Mobs all over the country. The next Flash Mob event is scheduled for TOMORROW, Sunday, June 5th and your Mob Boss, Don Egan, has your orders…it’s time to “go to the mattresses”, my little gangsters!
Hi everybody,
Tomorrow is going to be a lot of fun – can’t wait to bring everybody back together again, and to have a few newbies dance with us. Here are a few notes for tomorrow’s festivities:TICKETS
If you haven’t bought your tickets, you can still get them here. If you’ve bought them, bring the tickets, or print-out, with you to Boot Camp. If you have will-call or a scholarship, just check in. Everybody should check in when they arrive – we’ll have a table and/or tent set up for everybody.LOCATION
We’re on or near the stage at Volunteer Park. If you’re not familiar with Volunteer Park – Google it. It’s on Capitol Hill in Seattle. There’s lots of street parking in or near the park. There’s a main roadway through the park that goes from the water tower at Prospect to the conservatory at the other end. As you walk down the road, you’ll see the Asian Art Museum on one side – go a little further – you’ll see a big field on your right (to the east) and a big field to your left (to the west). Go west and you’ll see the stage at the bottom of that hill. We’ll be practicing on or near the stage.TIME
We’ll get started with warm-ups at 10am. We’ll learn the mobs between 10am and 3pm, with a break for lunch in between. Lunch and beverages will be provided, with FUZE and water available for all. It wouldn’t hurt to bring a bottle of water since tomorrow is a warm day.SUNBLOCK!
Wear it, stay hydrated, and rest in the shade when you get too warm. When we have our first warm day and are not acclimatized, it’s easier to over-do, so be conscious of that tomorrow so we all make it through the day!AFTERNOON MOBS – TOMORROW
We’ll do two mobs tomorrow between 3 and 5pm, Downtown. You’ll be able to walk there and back to Volunteer Park if you so desire. We’ll give enough time for that.MOB ON PRIDE SUNDAY – JUNE 26
We’ll use this choreography and music (for one of tomorrow’s mobs) for a mob at PrideFest on Sunday, June 26, in the afternoon. So, we’re mobbing tomorrow and then AGAIN at PrideFest on June 26.We look forward to seeing everybody tomorrow. A great day of dancing, mobbing, and connecting with friends old and new. Thanks for your support of this event. We’re sure it’s going to be memorable!
Egan Orion
Mob Boss, One Degree Events/The Agency